Public Service Announcement PSA
being heard live on WBAI,, Talking Alternative Broadcast
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
6:30 - 10:30pm
Doors Open at 6:00pm
Pre-Show Live Performance at 6:30pm featuring Guillermo Silveiro and Pop songwriter, comedian, playwright Jason Trachtenburg (creator of the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players) Come early, you don’t want to miss this
Opening Ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00pm
Please be on time to be part of the full experience, but those arriving late are still welcome of course, please enter quietly
Address: St Johns Lutheran Church, 81 Christopher Street (near 7th Avenue in the heart of Greenwich village
Transportion: Closest train: 1 train to Christopher St, also near the A,C,E, B,D,F,M to W 4th St
Admission: Adults: $15 Advance ; $20 at the door (cash only) Children: $5 (at door)
Reserve your Seat Now to Pledge your "Call to Action" for this beloved planet
click the link below, or any page with our banner you can click to our event brite page.
6:30 - 10:30pm
Doors Open at 6:00pm
Pre-Show Live Performance at 6:30pm featuring Guillermo Silveiro and Pop songwriter, comedian, playwright Jason Trachtenburg (creator of the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players) Come early, you don’t want to miss this
Opening Ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00pm
Please be on time to be part of the full experience, but those arriving late are still welcome of course, please enter quietly
Address: St Johns Lutheran Church, 81 Christopher Street (near 7th Avenue in the heart of Greenwich village
Transportion: Closest train: 1 train to Christopher St, also near the A,C,E, B,D,F,M to W 4th St
Admission: Adults: $15 Advance ; $20 at the door (cash only) Children: $5 (at door)
Reserve your Seat Now to Pledge your "Call to Action" for this beloved planet
click the link below, or any page with our banner you can click to our event brite page.

Together in a loving, inter-denominational, sacred, peaceful and Eco-commUNITY,
We CAN make a difference. Celebrate the 45th anniversary of Earth Day with us.
♥ Enrich your spirit in a safe, welcoming environment
♥ Connect with the heart of Mother Earth
♥ Add your energy to collective prayers and indigenous ceremonies
♥ Surrender to the universe, receive, allow the magic of the evening to transport you deeper within yourself while connecting to others in your human family
♥This gathering will encompass the 5 elements Earth Air Fire Water Ether -- and each participant will take home a sacred earth and water element gift from our ceremonies.

♥♥ Indigenous Opening Ceremony with
RoseMary and Dainah Wereley
featuring a Mohawk Water Blessing Song
A Water Ceremony will also take place later in the evening.
RoseMary and Dainah Wereley
featuring a Mohawk Water Blessing Song
A Water Ceremony will also take place later in the evening.

Keynote Panel with moderator/MC Alan Steinfeld:
"Co creating 6-S (Success) with Mother Earth"
1) Sacredness,
2) Serenity,
3) Service,
4) Spirituality,
5) Survival,
6) Sustainability!
"Co creating 6-S (Success) with Mother Earth"
1) Sacredness,
2) Serenity,
3) Service,
4) Spirituality,
5) Survival,
6) Sustainability!
with World Speakers (go to Bio pages for more info on speakers and performers):
![]() Grandmother Three Crow -
Tunka Hota Wiyan (Gray Stone Woman) |
Nicole Shore
Strategic Communications Professional, Sustainability Teacher, Zero to Sixty Communications |
David Young
Author, Artist, Grammy-nominated Musician and Master Storyteller who also channels George Harrison |
Andrew Faust
Founder-Director of Center for BioRegional Living, One of the premier Permaculture teachers and designers in North America |

Plus Special Earth Day Message from Mark Becker, Founder-Creator of NEW LIFE EXPO and NEW LIFE Magazine, holistic and environmental pioneer.

"One with the Universe" -The Element of Ether
A Special Universal Message from Bishop Grandmother Lygia Decastro (Sun Fire Buffalo Spirit)
(with Earth Community "Call to Action" Inter-Action Part One)
A new article, based on her message, is published in Inner Realm Magazine April 2015 issue.
A Special Universal Message from Bishop Grandmother Lygia Decastro (Sun Fire Buffalo Spirit)
(with Earth Community "Call to Action" Inter-Action Part One)
A new article, based on her message, is published in Inner Realm Magazine April 2015 issue.

Earth Community "Call to Action" Inter-Action Part Two
Facilitated by Jane Gignoux (be sure to sign our mailing list for follow-up actions)
"How I could initiate a practice to support a healthier
environment for Planet Earth"
Facilitated by Jane Gignoux (be sure to sign our mailing list for follow-up actions)
"How I could initiate a practice to support a healthier
environment for Planet Earth"
With Live Performances:
Featured Artist: David Young - Grammy-nominated renowned musician
will guide the audience in a healing meditative journey |
![]() |
Singer songwriter Laurell Eden
Special Guest Artists
Dani Elison
Kristian Marcones
And A Closing Circle with Prayers, Water Ceremony, Drumming and Special Guests
Special Guest Babalawo Oluwole A. Ifakunle Adetutu Alagbede will give an African Prayer
Special Guest Two Feathers who was part of our 2012 Gathering will give a special Cherokee Prayer
VENDOR AREA in the FELLOWSHIP HALL = Open 6pm - 10:30pm
VENDORS (See others):

Laurelle Rethke's Crystal Den
Networking and the Mini Vendor Area including Food Vendor will be in the Fellowship Hall (outside the bathroom) during the event from 6pm-11pm. Vegan Food will be available for purchase. David Hall, Executive Chef for Kitchen Therapy ( and caterer. Our media sponsor UNITRIBE will be offering free hot tea with Eric Justin Levinson and Yes or No Raw Chocolates for sale with Ebonie Lee. The church will provide free water, we ask you to bring your own jug or water bottle, to avoid usage of paper cups.
Schedule (time and program subject to change): (Recommend: Bring a cushion to sit on pew)
Doors open at 6pm
♥♥630-7:00 Music: Family Pre Show: Jason Trachtenburg -- Don't miss this, come early if you can.
♥♥7:00pm prompt ♥♥
♥♥Community: Opening Ceremony with RoseMary and Dainah Wereley (music and live drumming)
♥♥Welcome with co hosts Alan Steinfeld and iMov
♥♥Healing Music Meditation/Community: David Young
♥♥Keynote Panel: Moderated by Alan Steinfeld (1 hr)
Plus Special Message from Mark Becker (founder of NEW LIFE Expo, holistic pioneer, activist fighting the AMA, FDA, EPA)
SHORT 10 MIN BREAK - STRETCH (time permitting) throughout evening Vendor Hall is open 6-11pm inc. Food
♥♥Music: Lisa Roma aka Electrik Goddess Orquestra
♥♥Community/Talk "One with the Universe": Grandmother Lygia
♥♥Spoken Word: ReAwakennd Andrew Kaen with Rick Ulfik (pianist)
♥♥Community/Talk "What can we do?": Facilitated by Jane Gignoux
♥♥Music: iMov and da Peezkeepahz
♥♥Music/Community/All Performers and Special guests: Laurell Eden
♥♥Music/Community/All Performers: David Young plays 2 recorders to "Imagine" leading to Jam Sing-A-Long Finale
♥♥Community: Closing Circle featuring community Prayers from special guests and a Water Ceremony
♥♥630-7:00 Music: Family Pre Show: Jason Trachtenburg -- Don't miss this, come early if you can.
♥♥7:00pm prompt ♥♥
♥♥Community: Opening Ceremony with RoseMary and Dainah Wereley (music and live drumming)
♥♥Welcome with co hosts Alan Steinfeld and iMov
♥♥Healing Music Meditation/Community: David Young
♥♥Keynote Panel: Moderated by Alan Steinfeld (1 hr)
Plus Special Message from Mark Becker (founder of NEW LIFE Expo, holistic pioneer, activist fighting the AMA, FDA, EPA)
SHORT 10 MIN BREAK - STRETCH (time permitting) throughout evening Vendor Hall is open 6-11pm inc. Food
♥♥Music: Lisa Roma aka Electrik Goddess Orquestra
♥♥Community/Talk "One with the Universe": Grandmother Lygia
♥♥Spoken Word: ReAwakennd Andrew Kaen with Rick Ulfik (pianist)
♥♥Community/Talk "What can we do?": Facilitated by Jane Gignoux
♥♥Music: iMov and da Peezkeepahz
♥♥Music/Community/All Performers and Special guests: Laurell Eden
♥♥Music/Community/All Performers: David Young plays 2 recorders to "Imagine" leading to Jam Sing-A-Long Finale
♥♥Community: Closing Circle featuring community Prayers from special guests and a Water Ceremony

We hear Mother Earth’s call to simultaneously become more heart centered and action oriented. Feeling Mother Earth’s sacredness in our hearts can be profound motivation to act on Her behalf. Many actions are needed now, from calling legislators to attending rallies … art making, creative planning, spreading the word, writing letters to the editor ... advocating for clean water, renewable energy … as well as social, racial, and economic justice issues that are inseparable from co-creating a sustainable, thriving world that works for all. We believe these actions are most effective, and most beautiful, when they are inspired by and carried out with love and respect for this beautiful planet, all who reside here, and whatever divine energies are loving us and encouraging us through this Great Turning. This feeling of connection, love, and inspiration is what we seek to create through Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day. Please join us, be inspired, keep your heart open, and channel that love into action.
This annual event is a non profit benefit event. All donations and any time that people and organizations give to help or donate is tax-deductible.
Planet Heart is a project of We, the World, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization ( We, The World ( is a global coalition-building 501 (c)(3) organization based in New York City. Founded in 1998 by Rick Ulfik, WTW has annually connected and promoted thousands of socially conscious organizations, businesses and individuals to amplify their efforts and generate public awareness and action.
Planet Heart is a project of We, the World, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization ( We, The World ( is a global coalition-building 501 (c)(3) organization based in New York City. Founded in 1998 by Rick Ulfik, WTW has annually connected and promoted thousands of socially conscious organizations, businesses and individuals to amplify their efforts and generate public awareness and action.